Sunday, October 28, 2007


Webster's defintion:
Theodicy: (n) defense of God's goodness and omnipotence in view of the existence of evil

Theodicy is an attempt to reconcile the ways of God to man. Many argue that if God is such a loving, all powerful, and benevolent ruler, then why is there evil and suffering in the world? In theodicy, writers like Milton prove that behind each evil in the world is a reason and purpose. In Paradise Lost, God made everything good in the beginning, but Adam, Eve, and Satan began the tradition of suffering and evil during the Fall.

Two works and authors that take up the issue of theodicy are
1. Alexander Pope, in his "An Essay on Man" and
2. John Milton, "Paradise Lost"

By asserting theodicy, these authors may be critiquing men who want to become god-like (omnipotent, omniscient). Theodicy asserts that men belong in their place and ought to be satisfied with the gifts they were given. Authors like Pope and Milton want to remind all humans to remain in their proper place in the Great Chain of Being.

Grace Kang

1 comment:

P.J. said...

Would you mind giving us names of works and authors who take up the issue of theodicy in their work? What philosophy and works might they be critiquing by asserting theodicy? - PJE